“Microgiving,” a new model of fundraising made possible by digital technologies, is premised on the notion that charities can raise substantial funds by soliciting minuscule donations from many individuals.
We investigate whether and how environmentally inclined politicians (EIPs), i.e., politicians with prior environment-related work experience, affect local environmental performance in China.
The article reveals that the rise of shadow banking in China stems from the intensification of deposit competition after the global financial crisis, and analyzes the threat of small and medium-sized banks' disadvantage in this competition to the overall financial system.
This article discussing the comprehensive impacts of China's newly introduced nationwide CO2 emissions trading system, with a focus on its interactions with environmental costs, the fiscal system, and the challenges faced in policy cost distribution.
This article explores the intriguing connection between Chinese zodiac signs and parental investment in children’s development. Particularly, parents invest more in children born under the “lucky” sign of the dragon, potentially impacting their cognitive and noncognitive skills alike.