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Discounting Chinese Industrial Policy

Andrew J.Sinclair, Chuyi Zhang, Jan 31, 2024

The Chinese government supports the development of dozens of industries today, but the long-run sustainability of this model depends crucially on policy efficiency.

Brain Drain to the State Sector: Job Preferences and Outcomes for China’s College Graduates

Hongbin Li, Lingsheng Meng, Yanyan Xiong, Sinclair Cook, Feb 28, 2024

Despite private enterprises dominating China’s labor market, college-educated workers are still highly concentrated in the state sector. Using data from the Chinese College Student Survey, we find that 64% of students in the sample expressed a strong preference for state-sector employment.

What Gets Measured Gets Managed: Investment and the Cost of Capital

Zhiguo He, Guanmin Liao, Baolian Wang, Aug 09, 2023

To improve capital allocative efficiency, starting in 2010, Chinese regulators switched from using return on equity to economic value added (EVA).

Migration,Tariffs,and China’s Export Surge

Chen Liu, Xiao Ma, Oct 18, 2023

China’s exports have increased dramatically in recent decades. We build a multi-sector spatial general equilibrium model and combine rich data sources to account for China’s export surge between 1990 and 2005 from three policy changes: China’s import tariffs, tariffs imposed on China’s exports, and barriers to internal migration in China.

Internationalizing Like China

Chris Clayton, Amanda Dos Santos, Matteo Maggiori, Jesse Schreger, Feb 08, 2023

China’s strategy for internationalizing the renminbi involves controlling the access of foreign investors to the domestic bond market.