Christopher Timmins
Christopher D. Timmins is a Professor in the Department of
Economics at Duke University, with a secondary appointment in Duke’s Nicholas
School of the Environment. He holds a BSFS degree from Georgetown University
and a PhD in Economics from Stanford University. Professor Timmins was an
Assistant Professor in the Yale Department of Economics before joining the
faculty at Duke in 2004. His professional activities include teaching,
research, and editorial responsibilities. Professor Timmins specializes in
natural resource and environmental economics, but he also has interests in
industrial organization, development, public and regional economics. He works
on developing new methods for non-market valuation of local public goods and
amenities, with a particular focus on hedonic techniques and models of
residential sorting. His recent research has focused on measuring the costs
associated with exposure to poor air quality, the benefits associated with
remediating brownfields and toxic waste under the Superfund program, the
valuation of non-marginal changes in disamenities, and the causes and
consequences of “environmental injustice”.
Professor Timmins is a research associate in the Environmental
and Energy Economics group at the National Bureau of Economic Research, and has
served as a reviewer for numerous environmental, urban, and applied
microeconomics journals. He served as a co-editor of the Journal of Environmental Economics
and Management from 2010-2013, and was a co-editor and
editor of the Journal
of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists from
2014-2020. In 2021, he was named a Fellow of the Association of
Environmental and Resource Economics.
Christopher Timmins